Monday, 18 April 2016


                                                DAY: 9/05/2016 (Monday)
                                           TIME: 7:00 pm  
                                           PLACE: Centre d'Adults Val d'Aran


Seven elderly Britons, for a variety of reasons, respond to an online ad and travel to Jaipur, India, where they find a hotel with a young, exuberant, and optimistic host.
Evelyn, newly widowed, wants low-cost experience, Graham seeks a long-ago love, Douglas and Jean have lost their pension in a family investment, Muriel needs cheap hip surgery, Madge seeks a rich husband, and Norman is chasing women. India affects each in different ways, enchanting Douglas and Evelyn while driving Jean deeper into bitterness. Their host, young Sonny, has dreams but little cash or skill; he also has a girlfriend whom his mother dismisses. Stories cross and discoveries await each one.

S2 (bis) 19/04/2016


Doug and Abi take their kids on a family vacation. Surrounded by relatives, the kids innocently reveal the ins and outs of their family life and many intimate details about their parents. It's soon clear that when it comes to keeping a big secret under wraps from the rest of the family, their children are their biggest liability...

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

S1: 05/04/2016 


1er janvier 1993 : passage à l’Europe. Deux douaniers, l’un belge, l’autre français, apprennent la disparition prochaine de leur poste frontière situé dans la commune de Courquain France et Koorkin Belgique. Francophobe de père en fils et douanier belge trop zélé, Ruben Vandevoorde (Benoît Poelvoorde) se voit contraint et forcé d’inaugurer la première brigade volante mixte franco-belge. Son collègue français, Mathias Ducatel (Dany Boon), considéré par Ruben comme son ennemi de toujours, est secrètement amoureux de sa soeur. Il surprend tout le monde en acceptant de devenir le co-équipier de Vandevoorde et sillonner avec lui les routes de campagnes frontalières à bord d’une 4L d’interception des douanes internationales. 

S2: 12/4/2016


The film centres around the forbidden love of William Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) and a noble woman, Viola de Lesseps (Gwyneth Paltrow).
Shakespeare's newest comedy is Romeo and Ethel. This play will later be renamed Romeo and Juliet and be reworked into a tragedy

Will Shakespeare is suffering from writer's block and has not completed the play, but begins auditions for Romeo. A boy named Thomas Kent is cast in the role after impressing Shakespeare with his performance and his love of Shakespeare's previous work.
Kent is young noblewoman Viola de Lesseps. Viola de Lesseps's dream is to act, but as women were barred from the stage, she must disguise herself as a young man in order to fulfill her dream.
After Shakespeare discovers his star's true identity, he and Viola begin a passionate secret affair.
Inspired by Viola, Shakespeare begins writing feverishly... 

S3: 9/05/2016

                                                DAY: 9/05/2016 (Monday)
                                           TIME: 7:00 pm  
                                           PLACE: Centre d'Adults Val d'Aran


Seven elderly Britons, for a variety of reasons, respond to an online ad and travel to Jaipur, India, where they find a hotel with a young, exuberant, and optimistic host.
Evelyn, newly widowed, wants low-cost experience, Graham seeks a long-ago love, Douglas and Jean have lost their pension in a family investment, Muriel needs cheap hip surgery, Madge seeks a rich husband, and Norman is chasing women. India affects each in different ways, enchanting Douglas and Evelyn while driving Jean deeper into bitterness. Their host, young Sonny, has dreams but little cash or skill; he also has a girlfriend whom his mother dismisses. Stories cross and discoveries await each one.


S4: 17/05/2016 


Ils viennent d’arriver en France. Ils sont Irlandais, Serbes, Brésiliens, Tunisiens, Chinois ou Sénégalais... Pendant un an, Julie Bertuccelli a filmé les échanges, les conflits et les joies de ce groupe de collégiens âgés de 11 à 15 ans, réunis dans une même classe d’accueil pour apprendre le français. Dans ce petit théâtre du monde s’expriment l’innocence, l’énergie et les contradictions de ces adolescents qui, animés par le même désir de changer de vie, remettent en cause beaucoup d’idées reçues sur la jeunesse et l’intégration et nous font espérer en l’avenir...